دانلود پایان نامه انگلیسی میدان جریان و انتقال حرارت در دسته میله ها Rod Bundles
Prcsentcd in this study is an investigation of nirbulcnt flow and heat transfcr near
narrow gaps of rod bundlcs. At first. practical crnpirical corrclations for the subchanncl
avcragc and thc gay, local hcat transfer coeficicnts wcrc fincd to cxperimcntal I-csults
availablc in the literaturc. Then. thc thcsis prcsents a new technique. using a pcndulum. for
thc calibration of hot-wirc ancmomctcrs ovcr low vclocity ranges. a signal analysis
procedurc for thrce-sensor hot-wirc probes. and a mcthod for thc cnhancemcnt of the rcsults
of the Variable Interval Timc Average (VITA) conditional sampling technique. al1 used in
the main cxperimcntal snidy.