دانلود مقاله مرور خلاصه ای بر تاثیر پوشش های سطحی مختلف بر افزایش انتقال حرارت جوشش استخری Influence of different surface coatings on pool boiling heat transfer enhancement: A brief review

The below article provides a brief review of the previously published article on the improvement of pool
boiling heat transfer by modifying the surfaces in different coating techniques. Due to the surface modification
in different coating techniques, the active nucleation site density increases on surfaces, which
leads to enhancement of both heat transfer coefficient (HTC) and Critical Heat flux (CHF). Another reason
for enhancement of boiling heat transfer coefficient is enhancing the uniformity of coating over the heating
surface. This literature also incorporate how the wettability of the surface affect the HTC and CHF
related to different contact angle of working fluid. Different coating material also affects the wettability.
The coating time is found as one of the important parameter on this extensive survey on which affects the
pool Boiling heat Transfer a lot. The heat transfer performance of treated, untreated surface by different
coating techniques also incorporated in the article. The use of different coating techniques such as sintering,
brazing, spraying and electrodeposition was also incorporated in the literature. By using different
coating technique the coating can be formed on the substrate and on that surface Pool boiling occurs
which has a wide application in different industries.
Selection and of the scientific committee of the 10th International Conference of Materials Processing and