دانلود مقاله اصول گاز و حرارت تئوری کشتی هوایی The Basics of Gas and Heat Airship Theory
“The basics of Theory of Gas and Heat Airships” is unique work written by Lev
KONSTANTINOV and it will be published in the journal. The work of uncommon beauty and
elegance includes theory problems and practical recommendations. The work was written for all
those who will simultaneously to ply a theory of airship and its making.
دانلود مقاله بازیافت انرژی از مواد جامد زیستی و بایومس (زیست-توده) یک مروری بر فناوریهای تبدیل حرارتی Energy Recovery from Biosolids and Biomass A Review of Thermal Conversion Technologies
Melbourne Water investigated a broad variety of biosolids reuse options, including energy, fuel, chemical, nutrient, and metal recovery and reuse; use of biosolids as a geotechnical fill or building material extender; and for carbon sequestration. This paper focuses on those technologies capable of recovering energy, fuels, or non-nutrient chemicals from biosolids. Recognizing the higher energy content of other feedstocks and the potential benefits from taking advantage of capital installations‘ economies of scale, Melbourne Water also considered receiving foreign biomass at a potential future energy recovery plant, and hauling their biosolids to off-site facilities. Technologies investigated ranged from the most established, with hundreds of installations, to the most embryonic, that have only been tested in university laboratories. Maturity, scale, feedstock suitability, costs of facilities and market conditions for products were identified for each technology.
دانلود مقاله مروری بر کاربردهای فناوریهای بازیابی و تبدیل انرژی بر مبنای سیستمهای انتقال هیدرولیکی The applications of energy regeneration and conversion technologies based on hydraulic transmission systems: A review
Hydraulic transmission systems (HTSs) are widely used in various industrial fields. With the increase in research
on renewable energy and energy-saving technologies, energy regeneration and conversion (ERC) technologies
based on HTSs, including potential energy regeneration, braking energy regeneration, vibration energy acquisition
and power take-off (PTO), have attracted increasing attention. First, this review briefly explains the main
concepts of ERC technologies based on HTSs and applications; then their working principles are analysed. As the
main content of this review, the current status of ERC technologies based on HTSs in the application fields of
construction machinery, hydraulic vehicles, regenerative suspensions and wave energy converters (WECs) are
comprehensively analysed, compared and discussed. Finally, ERC technologies based on HTSs are prospected
from the aspects of hydraulic system component optimization, all-electric power system integration and potential
applications. This review is expected to provide readers with a comprehensive and clear understanding of
ERC technologies based on HTSs through a detailed overview of their application, which will provide an important
reference for further research and potential applications in this field.