دانلود کتاب مقدمه ای بر جریان ماوراء صوت Introduction to Hypersonic flow

Although other books in the field of hypersonic flow are now published
in EngUsh, it was felt that this book should be made available to
the Enghsh speaking reader because of its usefulness for those individuals
desirous of obtaining an introduction to the subject. Except for
a general introductory chapter the book concentrates on the inviscid,
perfect fluid aspects of hypersonic flow, with emphasis on the fundamental
concepts and rational methods of calculation. The book is
directed to students of aerodynamics and gasdynamics, as well as to
scientists and engineers interested in problems of hypersonic flight. The
level of approach is such that it should prove particularly useful as an
undergraduate and introductory graduate text.
دانلود کتاب مکانیک سیالات Fluid Mechanics 2nd ed. by Joseph H. Spurk , Nuri Aksel

The first English edition was the translation of the fourth German edition. In
the meantime the textbook has undergone several additions, mostly stimulated
by consulting activities of the first author. Since the textbook continues
to receive favourable reception in German speaking countries and has been
translated in other languages as well, the publisher suggested a second English
edition. The additions were translated for the most part by Prof. L. Crane
from Trinity College in Dublin, who has accompanied this textbook from
the very beginning. Since the retirement of the first author, Prof. N. Aksel
from the University of Bayreuth, Germany, the second author, was actively
engaged in the sixth and the seventh edition. The additions were written by
the first author who accepts the responsibility for any mistakes or omissions
in this book.
دانلود کتاب دینامیک سیالات تحلیلی Analytical Fluid Dynamics

An in-depth study of fluid dynamics is provided by
discussing a variety of topics in a more general manner
than usually encountered at the undergraduate level.
Some of the topics are familiar to you, for example, the
Euler and Navier–Stokes equations and the first and
second laws of thermodynamics. One purpose of this
text is to prepare you for courses in computational fluid
dynamics, turbulence, high-speed flow, rarefied gas
dynamics, and so on. The second objective is to help you
understand the fluid dynamic journal literature. Last,
but not least, I hope to convey some of the fascination
that abounds in our subject.
دانلود کتاب دینامیک سیالات Fluid Dynamics

This book is dedicated to readers who want to learn fluid dynamics from the beginning. It assumes a basic level of mathematics knowledge that would correspond to that of most second-year undergraduate physics students and examines fluid dynamics from a physicist’s perspective. As such, the examples used primarily come from our environment on Earth and, where possible, from astrophysics. The text is arranged in a progressive and educational format, aimed at leading readers from the simplest basics to more complex matters like turbulence and magnetohydrodynamics. Exercises at the end of each chapter help readers to test their understanding of the subject (solutions are provided at the end of the book), and a special chapter is devoted to introducing selected aspects of mathematics that beginners may not be familiar with, so as to make the book self-contained.
دانلود کتاب هیدرودینامیک زیر دریایی Submarine Hydrodynamics

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دانلود کتاب مکانیک سیال Fluid Mechanics

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