Introduction 1
2 Early Greek Science: Aristotle and Archimedes 2
3 DA Vinci’s Fluid Dynamics 2
4 The Velocity-Squared Law 3
5 Newton and the Sine-Squared Law 5
6 Daniel Bernoulli and the Pressure-Velocity
Concept 7
7 Henri Pitot and the Invention of the Pitot Tube 9
8 The High Noon of Eighteenth Century Fluid
Dynamics – Leonhard Euler and the Governing
Equations of Inviscid Fluid Motion 10
9 Inclusion of Friction in Theoretical Fluid
Dynamics: the Works of Navier and Stokes 11
10 Osborne Reynolds: Understanding Turbulent
Flow 14
11 The Circulation Theory of Lift: Kutta and
Joukowski 17
12 Ludwig Prandtl and His Boundary-Layer Theory 19
13 Summary 21
References 22